Articles → PROJECT MANAGEMENT → 3 Point And PERT Estimation Technique In Agile

3 Point And PERT Estimation Technique In Agile


  1. How long will the task take to complete in the normal scenario?
  2. How long will the task take to complete in the best-case scenario?
  3. How long will the task take to complete in the worst-case scenario?

3-Point Estimation

Normal(N)Optimistic (O)Pessimistic (P)Estimation formulaEstimated hours
161230(N + O + P)/3(16 + 12 + 30)/3 = 19 hours.

PERT Estimation

Normal(N)Optimistic (O)Pessimistic (P)Estimation formulaEstimated hours
161230(4N + O + P)/6(64 + 12 + 30)/3 = 18 hours.

Standard Deviation

Normal(N)Optimistic (O)Pessimistic (P)Standard Deviation (Formula)Standard Deviation
161230(P - O)/3(30-12)/3 = 6 hours
161230(P - O)/6(30-12)/6 = 3 hours

Posted By  -  Karan Gupta
Posted On  -  Tuesday, May 4, 2021


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